My full name is James Davies and I'm a self taught independent artist from Bristol, UK.
Commonly recognized for my use of bold outlines, my work is very versatile using all types of media from acrylic painting through to digital design and tattooing. Using my artistic flare and my passion for creating perfect outlines, I plan to forward a career in tattooing and this influence can be seen in some of my artworks.
Background: As a child I started drawing as soon as I could hold a pencil and it immediately became my favourite hobby growing up. Heavily influenced by my favourite tv cartoons, computer games and movies, I began to draw my favourite characters (Sonic the hedgehog being my all time favourite) and was obsessed with achieving that absolute perfect copy and I was not happy unless it looked exactly as it should!
As I got older I grew a huge passion for Comic books such as Marvel and DC and I was fascinated by the illustration and how incredible they looked. This is where my passion for drawing cartoon characters came from.
As time went on I drifted away from art and found my way into the underground D&B music scene, djing in nightclubs all over Bristol and the UK and producing music out of my studio (spare bedroom) at home. This all changed in 2013 when I came to realise my true passion was in art and always has been!
Since then I've been working hard on building my portfolio and my skills as an artist. This has led me on to working with some fantastic people, selling out prints and gaining a good reputation as a professional artist. I'm stoked to be able to say that over 150+ people are currently proud owners of one or more of my personal artworks, my work has been produced onto clothing and sold worldwide, I've built a great fan base... And this is just the start of what's to come!
Sending out a huge THANK YOU to all of my supporters out there!!!